Friday, June 8, 2007

Rummaging Through the Trash

You never realize just how much junk is in your life until you start to face yourself!

Sure a lot of it entered into my life unwillingly, but as I got older I had a choice to change. I chose not to work on it. I just kept sweeping it under a rug and ignoring the small pile forming. Eventually it turned into a huge pile of toxic trash.

Bitterness, anger, promiscuity, manipulation, lying, and so much more became a part of me.

Molestation not only ruins your body, but it messes up your soul. Without help there is only disaster waiting at every turn. Remember I never got help. As a matter of fact I did not start sharing about my molestation until I was well into my 20s.

So my soul was vexed by the evil of sexual abuse.

I did and said so much that I forgot what was real and what was memorex. But I was good at it and most of the time I got away with what I was doing.

No one had a clue...or so I thought.

I found out some years later that there were people who knew I was all memorex and yet they still loved me because they knew the real me. One of my oldest friends said that once she found out all of the stuff I had been through, she understood why I lived like I did. Pushing everyone away with lies, manipulation and bitterness.

I was always doing something to push others away. Sometimes on purpose and other times subsconsciously.

But God was always there and I knew it.

That is why some years later I started working on these ugly ways. The first to go was manipulation. I had used to many people with my sneaky ways. I then let go of my best friend and confidant...the liar.

Now I am working on my bitterness and anger. They tend to go hand-in-hand. I thought it was gone too, but I stayed angry and bitter the first four years of my marriage.

Get this straight because I have only been married 5 years come September 1.

This time when I work on this stuff I am not only putting it in the bag, but I am throwing it in the garbage finally.

The difference between now and then you might ask...God and nothing but! He has my back and this time I don't want to run from His protection. I want Him to help me do this.

So now I am telling others about my stuff because it holds me accountable to work on it. I have no choice but to do so. My witness and the lives of so many other depend on me throwing tha trash out this time.

Does that mean it won;t show up at my doorstep again...Nope!

This time though I am armed with the ultimate WEAPON! My faith, hope, and love for Daddy!

Gotta go take out some trash!


Karla Meachem said...


Keep pressing on, LaTara!

You made some very powerful points!

1. "You never realize just how much junk is in your life until you start to face yourself!"

2. "Molestation not only ruins your body, but it messes up your soul."

3. "This time when I work on this stuff I am not only putting it in the bag, but I am throwing it in the garbage finally." AMEN!!!

4. "So now I am telling others about my stuff because it holds me accountable to work on it. I have no choice but to do so. My witness and the lives of so many other depend on me throwing that trash out this time."

I pray that your open-ness and transparency will encourage others.

I've been taking out trash in my life too; different scenario & different trash. BuT, out it goes!

Here's to walking in liberty!!

Vikki said...

AMEN SISTER!!! I am on the same sort of journey. I will keep coming back to check in, I'm interesting in reading your thoughts.....

This is not going to be easy, I'm sure, but God takes care of his children and will reward us for our faithfulness

LaTara Ham-Ying said...

Praise God my Sisters! Trash is an awful thing because it starts to stink, mildew, and turn into unrecognizable unwanted stuff.