Friday, July 20, 2007

It Shall Come to Pass

...and ye know in all your hearts and in all your souls, that not one thing hath failed of all the good things which Jehovah your God spake concerning you; all are come to pass unto you, not one thing hath failed thereof.
Joshua 23:14

I did not accept Christ until I was 20 years old; that was 18 years ago.

However, as a little girl and all the way through my life before Him, I knew He was there. I did not feel scared all those times I was raped (that is what it really was). I knew He was there.

My momma took me to church, I saw her praying on her knees; and at a young age I witnessed black gunk being vomited from my possessed aunt's body after an experience with voo doo as the pastor and others stood in a circle around her and prayed the Word of God. So I knew there was a God. Yes I knew.

I felt His presence when I needed it most. I talked with Him often.

My life would have been worse had He not been there.

As confused as I was about all that was going on with me, I knew He would never leave me nor forsake me. I knew He was going to take care of those evil spirits that made people hurt me.

I always knew I was called, I just did not know to what and I did not accept the call until some years after my Salvation experience.

Looking back I see where God allowed my situation because He knew that I would be here writing to you, my sister in pain. My sister who was touched in such a mean inappropriate way. Even you my brother hiding the shame of being violated in such a cruel way.

God never broke one promise to me. He was faithful not only because He is God but because His loyalty and faithfulness towards me in my darkest hour would catapult me to answer the call.

So if you are wondering where He is, look and listen He has always been there.

He never left you. He knew you needed Him and He knows that you still do.

He has broken one promise and He never will.


Vikki said...

Bang on! I love how you express yourself. I had the same experience of knowing that God was with me thru all the chaotic years of my husbands addiction. People asked me how I survived, how I made it thru....and I know, for a fact, that it was only because He carried me, He gave me the strength.

LaTara Ham-Ying said...

Amen Sister!!!!