Monday, October 1, 2007

Residuals of Life in the Pit 1

It's been a while since I have blogged. Why?

I am not really sure.

I have been examining my life by talking to God about what He sees. What I have seen can be called residuals of life in the pit.

Residuals are those things that are a direct result of living in a dark pit filled with dirt and a great deal of mess. For me the residuals of being thrown in the pit caused me to lose a lot of precious time in life. I put my dreams on hold, neglected myself, abused myself, hurt people, and most of all I did not let God love me.

I also dealt with and still do deal with intimidation; especially with people who are in power and men. As a result of allowing others to intimidate me I did so many stupid things.

There were times when I would literally freeze up and just leave whatever the issue was alone. My life was in victim mode often and I really did not know how to speak up for myself. But I would fight in a minute...go figure!

Intimidation is paralyzing! There is no other way to say it.

It traps your authentic voice and keeps you from effectively walking in your destiny.

I know because it had me immobile for 36 years before I woke up to what was keeping me from walking in freedom.

I still struggle with it sometimes but I have learned a few key motivators to keep me from falling back into a life in a mental wheelchair.

1. Prayer - Not just any prayer, but a get down and dirty prayer. You know like the ones David prayed in the books of Psalms.

2. Affirmation - Tell yourself daily that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Tell yourself that you are the head and not the tail. Remind yourself that He is the potter and you are the clay...He is molding you in a most perfect way.

3. Read a Psalm Daily - Oh the blessings of this wonderful book.

4. Writer it out - Write when you feel intimidated. It helps you to see what the issue is and why you may have it.

5. Talk it out - I just cried to my husband about this issue the other night. It is very theraputic.

6. Think Before You Speak - If you are in a situation where you feel intimidated, don't talk until uou think about it. Please!

Don't live your life in a mental Wheelchair.

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